Suck Squeeze Bang Blow


Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm blue.

Doing some Kandy painting today on the sporty.
Last time, it was a very light blue and now I am going to add some blue transparant kolor to darken it.

Some time ago, a well known paint-mixer who worked at my paint-supple store, Tonny, died unexpectedly. He was the best at mixing kolors to match damaged paintwork. He had painted some kustom shit in the past and there was still some old Metalflake kandies and flakes left over from the 70's and early 80's. I got my greasy hands on that stuff and now it's mine, MINE I TELL YOU!!

There are some kolors there that are no longer made. For example, I have the new "Royal Blue" Kandy Koncentrate from Metalflake and I also have two older "Royal Blue" KK's. Three different kolors! On this project, I used the oldest Royal Blue (also the darkest, with a hint of purple), in some clear to darken up the sporty in 3 layers.
Then I peeled off the tape and cleared it.
Now I have to decide what to do with the light panels. Stay tuned for that! It will rock your world!

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