Suck Squeeze Bang Blow


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Summer check up

It was a tight squeeze but I got the van onto the ramp at Tjeerd's short-cut shop. European ramps are clearly not designed to acoomodate american vans with 295 rubber...
I checked the usual stuff and re tightened the suspension nuts and bolts I fiddled with last week to change the springs. The Green Machine is now ready for the 400 km trip to Chimay, for the Bugin! See you there.

1 comment:

  1. Hey its BajaCharlie I'm jelloass that u get to go to the EBI.Say hey to MartinGreaves for me.He's our UBER ALLES EUROPE PREZ.(our bug club)He'll be racin a gold turbo typeI with fuchs and a UBER ALLES logo in the rear window.HAVE FUN!
