Suck Squeeze Bang Blow


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pondering Flares

The fender flares and front spoiler on the Green Machine are cracked in several places and the paint's chipped and scratched too. Luckily they are only bolted on so I think I'll take em off this winter to repair the 'glass. Matching the original green kolor is proving to be a hassle. It's a kustom-mixed base kolor topped by clear with silver & gold flakes mixed in, faded by 25 years of So-Cal sunshine. Try to match that!

I ran into this problem when I wanted to respray the faded roof. I just mixed a new shade of dark pearl green for that and I'm thinking of using that for the flares as well. I'll probably also switch the amber lights for clear ones.
Here's how it looks now:
 And here's a photochop of the new kolor on the flares.
Tell me what you think, I'm open for suggestions!

Also, I'm still looking for replacement clear sidemarker lights! Anyone know of some that fit?


  1. It looks better the same color. Try to match it as best as possible.

  2. I don't mind flares that are different, if done right. What about doing something like your panels? With the lighter base and darker edge fade. I've seen that done before and it looks awesome. Might be time consuming and a huge pain in the ass but matching the color exactly wouldn't be as critical. Your van is already a level up on the rest of us, if you nailed a flare fade, it would put your shit on an even higher level of cool. No way we'd be able to play catch-up then! :/
