Suck Squeeze Bang Blow


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hard labour

Some more days spent on painting The Green Machine.
The flakes were on, followed by 4 layers of clear.

Wet sanding the whole day...
Then taping an outline and spraying silver.
After masking the outline off, spraying layer after layer of green Kandy, until a nice fade was there.
After another three layers of clear, the "Unwrapping Of The Present" and behold (angel choir singing in the background):

Today, a whole day of wet sanding to get a flat surface for yet more layers of clear. That's tomorrow.
Next week: Lettering on the sides in vinyl with pinstripes and airbrush-effects, maybe clearing the roof, if there is time, installing new brake calipers and adjusting the ignition. Also: fitting a Kolor TV inside.

Must be ready by friday for:
Come and see this 80's Custom Van survivor in real life! At the Autotron Rosmalen! Boggles the mind!

1 comment:

  1. Coolnesssss
    that van will look awesome parked next to my full dresser...
